Archives of published articles

December 5, 2023Feature article

Energy suppliers: how to compare them

Find out how to compare energy suppliers!

November 8, 2023Challenges

Challenge: Improve cash flow in 90 days

Discover how to boost your cash flow in 90 days!

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October 28, 202324pm, Avoidance strategy, Strategies

Mitigating the psychological impact of armed conflict on consumer customers: strategies and corporate social responsibility

Limiting the psychological impact of armed conflict on your customers Armed conflict can have a devastating impact on people, including your customers. As a responsible company, it is essential to take steps to limit this psychological impact. First and foremost, it's important to inform your customers about the resources available to help them cope with the psychological consequences of armed conflict. Set up a clear and accessible communication system, providing information on available support services such as helplines and counseling centers. Next, consider setting up awareness-raising and training programs for your employees, so that they are better equipped to recognize and support customers who may be affected by trauma related to armed conflict. This can include training in stress management, caring communication and active listening. Finally, make sure you take

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July 12, 2023Feature article

June 2023: 2 years after the end of Covid subsidies: how can you anticipate your customer risks?

June 2023: 2 years after the end of Covid aid: how can you anticipate your SME customer risks?

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Strategic diagnosis

Claim your strategic diagnosis today for a package almost free of charge and find out what you're doing well and where you can improve. (2h meeting with 2 experts)*

* Up to one free diagnosis per company director per year